Further, affiliate marketing allows you to make money online by earning commissions off sub-affiliates, people you have brought on to be affiliates of the parent company. These two-tiered affiliates may seem like a pyramid scheme, but the point is, it generates a tremendous amount of traffic to your site as well as to your partners' sites, which helps everyone make money online.
The biggest key to making money online through an affiliate program is by generating traffic. You won't make money online, though, by adding numerous links that have nothing to do with you or your product. For example, if you are a web developer, you won't make money online by becoming an affiliate of websites selling fishing equipment. However, you can make money online by becoming an affiliate of web development software. Make money online by linking to bookstores that carry books your clients may be interested in or trade publications and e-zines. As with any business, it all depends on who you market to.
In order to make money online, you need diligence and perseverance. It won't be made overnight, but through continual marketing efforts, you can make money online.
by: Marsh Uele